
Scientific and technical cooperation, cooperation in the field of education

Cooperation in the field of science and technology is carried out on the basis of the intergovernmental Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation as of June 5, 1995.

Treaty and legal basis between institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Vietnamese partners includes a number of agreements in various areas of scientific and technical cooperation.

There is a Belarusian branch of the Belarusian-Vietnamese Center for promotion of scientific and technical cooperation on the basis of the Technopark BNTU “Polytechnic”.

Joint Belarusian-Vietnamese Commission for Scientific and Technological Cooperation functions. The 11th Session of the Commission was held in Hanoi on September 25, 2019. Protocol on assessment of the state of the ongoing projects and the prospects for cooperation after 2020 was signed.

The core document that regulates cooperation in the sphere of education is the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on cooperation in the field of education dated November 29, 2011.

Since 1962 more than 1,500 specialists, 152 candidates of sciences, 3 doctors of sciences have been trained in Belarusian higher educational institutions for Vietnam. 155 Vietnamese citizens graduated from technical schools, more than 1,800 — from vocational schools in Belarus.

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