
Political Cooperation

History of the diplomatic relations establishment

Diplomatic relations between countries were established on January 24, 1992.

In December, 1997 the Trade Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was reorganized into the Embassy. The Vietnamese Embassy in Minsk was opened in 2003.

Since March, 2022 Mr. Uladzimir Baravikou has been an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Vietnam.

On April 13, 2022 the Ambassador of Belarus to Vietnam Uladzimir Baravikou presented Credentials to the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Political visits at high and the highest levels

In 1997, 2008 and 2015 the President of the Republic of Belarus H.E. Mr. Alexander Lukashenko paid official visits to Vietnam.

In August, 1998 the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Tran Duc Luong visited Belarus. In May, 2010 the President of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Nguyen Minh Triet paid an official visit to the Republic of Belarus.

In June, 2017 the State visit of the President of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Tran Dai Quang to Belarus was arranged.

In November, 2014 the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong made an official visit to the Republic of Belarus.

The two countries have regularly exchanged the high-level delegations. Belarus was visited by Prime Ministers of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Phan Van Khai (2000) and H.E. Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung (2013). Heads of the Belarusian Government visited Vietnam in 2004 (H.E. Mr. Sergei Sidorsky) and in 2011 (H.E. Mr. Mikhail Myasnikovich).

In October, 2016 and in March, 2018 H.E. Mr. Vladimir Semashko, Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus, paid visits to Vietnam. In September, 2019 Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus H.E. Mr.  Igor Lyashenko visited Vietnam.

There is a regular exchange of visits at the level of ministries and organizations heads of Belarus and Vietnam.

Inter-parliamentary links are rapidly developing. Exchange of parliamentary delegations takes place, meetings are held as a part of multilateral events.

In September, 2018 H.E. Mr. Mikhail Myasnikovich, Speaker of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of, took part in mourning events in Vietnam in connection with the death of the President of Vietnam H.E. Mr. Tran Dai Quang.

In December, 2019 parliamentary delegation of Vietnam headed by H.E. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Vietnam, visited Belarus with an official visit.

On a regular basis consultations between the foreign ministries of the two States are held. In March, 2014 H.E. Mr. Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, visited Vietnam.

On January 12, 2022, the next round of Belarusian-Vietnamese inter-MFA consultations was held in Hanoi.

Cooperation within international organizations

Belarus and Vietnam successfully cooperate within the framework of international organizations and extend mutual support during the elections to its leading positions.

In December, 2018 Belarus supported Vietnam's candidacy for the elections to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for the period 2019-2025 from the Asian regional group.

In addition, Belarus supported 4 Vietnamese candidates for other UN specialized agencies in 2021.

Belarus and Vietnam traditionally support each other in international organizations on human rights issues.

Belarusian Diplomatic Missions

All Missions Belarus' Foreign Ministry
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