
Representative of the Consulate General takes part in mourning events due to the death of the General Secretary of the Party Central Committee



On July 25, 2024, a representative of the Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Ho Chi Minh City took part in mourning events in connection with the death of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong.

The leadership of Ho Chi Minh City and representatives of the consular corps paid tribute to the memory of the Secretary General and left entries in the book of condolences at the Palace of Independence.

“He dedicated his life to serving the Vietnamese people and was an outstanding political figure. The contribution of the Secretary General, Mr Nguyen Phu Trong, through his many years of worthy work to the development and strengthening of the international authority of Vietnam, as well as strong Belarusian-Vietnamese relations, will remain his legacy for many years,” says the condolences on behalf of the Consulate General.

In solidarity with the Vietnamese people, the foreign mission lowered the national flag.

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